Previous Entries
Riven Movie Player for Win95 Has Moved!
Recently, several people have noticed that the link that I gave
for the Riven Movie Player was invalid. The file had been moved
to a different part of In any case, It's now at:
and it's only 26k!

Ryven Is Discovered!
Recently while browsing the Internet, I came upon a website on Geocities
called Ryven - The Imitation Of Myst. I went to the site and was COMPLETELY
BLOWN AWAY! The site was created by a Myst fan named Justin Fisher. He loved
Myst and Riven, and he decided to put up is journey through Riven on the web
in a graphical form. He also started experimenting with the idea of making
a 3D world like Myst and Riven and this is what came out of it. He's still
working on it, but it looks WONDERFUL! His site is at:

Museum Replicas Makes Riven Items
One of the hot topics on the Riven Lyst lately has been what other merchandise
Cyan could make around a Riven theme. Evidently, someone was listening.
The wonderful folks at
have faithfully recreated some of the items found in Riven. They include:
Gehn's Gun (not working), Gehn's Dagger, Catherine's Dress and vest, the Moiety
Sythe, and the Moiety Dagger (shown above). Most of the items are on the expensive
side, but the Moiety dagger (about 6 inches long) is only US$20, making it
the perfect piece of Riven merchandise! All you have to do is go to the Museum
Replicas webpage and follow the link!
Two Great Websites Have Been Redone!
As some of you may have noticed,
Myst and Riven Links and Bookstore and
The Riven Unofficial Homepage have undergone lots of redesigning. The Myst
and Riven Links and Bookstore has added two new webboards and a page with
an interview to tell about the future of the page. There both great so if you
haven't already, CHECK THEM OUT!
Myst: The Book of D'ni has just been finished by yours truly. It is
just as great as BoA and BoT were if not better!

When I read it, I found no Riven spoilers, but according to RAWA (Richard
A. Watson, CYAN programmer and D'ni Historian), you should read it after
you finish Riven. He suggests that you read/play in this order:
Myst: The book of Atrus
Myst: The Book of Ti'ana
Myst: The Book of D'ni
From Myst To Riven, Creations
and Inspirations